
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2016
批准弹劾后,参议院举行的康复迪尔玛·公务员 总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫为在参议院公务员回避的路程收到赞成42票和36人反对。由于这是必要的绝对多数(54),参议院提出这样迪尔玛的资格。该应用程序是由参议员Vicentinho阿尔维斯(PT-TO)撰写。 该表决弹劾迪尔玛的批准后作出的。有了这个,可能需要长达公职。3票弃权的记录。在这个问题上表决的PT,这年初提交申请的日子,那是由最高法院院长(STF),里卡多·莱万多夫斯基,下连抗议的盟友接受参议员的要求分别进行临时总统米歇尔·特梅尔。 前锋 参议员PMDB卡蒂亚阿布雷乌(TO)是第一个反对政治权利迪尔玛·罗塞夫的损失。为支持的说法,她读通过trechoescrito临时总统米歇尔·特梅尔表示,处罚办法“是自治和独立的”,而不是“偶然”。 “这是谁肯定可以邀请在大学任教的人,”他说。“迪尔玛总统必须继续努力,能够满足他们的需求。不要评价一个人的话,但他的良心,他们相信迪尔玛总统的个性是什么,”他说。 >>迪尔玛·罗塞夫将失去上任后作出声明 >>了解特梅尔的生命,非选举产生的第三届PMDB的总统 结果前>>迪尔玛盟友已经承认弹劾 由XX XX票在参议院通过的政治权利的丧失八年迪尔玛也是PT是不可能行使任何公职 在辩护权利的丧失,参议员Aloysio努涅斯(PSDB-SP)说,参议院还没有上演一出闹剧,所申报的盟友迪尔玛。“这是一个合法的程序,该程序合法化,我们现在做出的决定。这里没有政变,”他说。努涅斯也批评参议员林德伯格法里亚斯(PT-RJ),前几分钟,当前试验的会话宣布先前由若昂·古拉特占据的位置的空缺作比较。“这是一个骗局这个国家的历史,它没有任何关系。首先,因为当时没有国会的决议;二,因为国会被围困。今天唯一的障碍是由住PT改编过的信息推动,人们烧轮胎,人们谁曾大言不惭地说,如果弹劾被批准,将拿起武器,“他说。 努涅斯说,宪法明确规定,在犯罪责任的情况下,任务的损失与政治权利的丧失有关,并表示有可能担任公职,不占用公职。“除了援引宪法的信,我调用与从办公室被取消资格不合格涉及的文章,”他问。 蝶,参议员Capiberibe制造“代表和解”和团聚上诉。“只有宗派主义
بعد الموافقة على الاقالة، مجلس الشيوخ يحمل ديلما التأهيل إلى الخدمة المدنية تلقى تنحية الرئيس ديلما روسيف بعيدا عن الخدمة المدنية في مجلس الشيوخ 42 صوتا مؤيدا و 36 ضد. كما كان الضرورية الأغلبية المطلقة (54)، وانتقل مجلس الشيوخ بهذه الطريقة بتنحية ديلما.تمت كتابة التطبيق من قبل السيناتور Vicentinho ألفيس (PT-TO). وجاء التصويت بعد موافقة ديلما الاقالة. مع هذا، يمكن ان يستغرق فترة تصل المناصب العامة. سجلت امتناع ثلاثة. وقد تم التصويت على هذا السؤال بشكل منفصل بناء على طلب من أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ من حزب العمال، الذي قدم الطلب في وقت مبكر من اليوم، والذي وافق عليه رئيس المحكمة العليا (STF)، ريكاردو يفاندوفسكي، حتى في ظل احتجاجات من حلفاء الرئيس المؤقت ميشال تامر. إلى الأمام وكان عضو مجلس الشيوخ PMDB كاتيا أبرو (TO) أول من يجادل ضد فقدان الحقوق السياسية ديلما روسيف. لدعم حجة، قرأت قال trechoescrito من الرئيس المؤقت ميشال تامر أن العقوبات "هي بذاتها ومستقلة" وليس "عرضية". واضاف "انها شخص يمكن بالتأكيد دعوة للتدريس في الجامعات"، ق
Dopo aver approvato impeachment, il Senato detiene Dilma abilitazione al servizio civile La squalifica del presidente Dilma Rousseff via per il servizio civile in Senato ha ricevuto 42 voti a favore e 36 contro. Come è stato necessario la maggioranza assoluta (54), il Senato si trasferisce in questo modo la squalifica di Dilma. L'applicazione è stato scritto dal senatore Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). La votazione è stata fatta dopo l'approvazione di Dilma impeachment.Con questo, si può richiedere fino cariche pubbliche. sono state registrate tre astensioni. La votazione sulla questione è stato fatto separatamente su richiesta dei senatori del PT, che ha presentato la domanda nelle prime ore del giorno e che è stata accettata dal Presidente della Corte Suprema (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, anche sotto le proteste da parte degli alleati della presidente ad interim Michel Temer. in avanti Il senatore PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) è stato il primo a sostenere c
Après avoir approuvé la mise en accusation, le Sénat détient Dilma habilitation à la fonction publique La disqualification de la présidente Dilma Rousseff loin pour la fonction publique dans le Sénat a reçu 42 voix pour et 36 contre. Comme il était la majorité absolue nécessaire (54), le Sénat a proposé cette façon la disqualification de Dilma. L'application a été rédigé par le sénateur Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). Le vote a été faite après l'approbation de Dilma impeachment. Avec cela, il peut prendre la fonction publique. trois abstentions ont été enregistrées. Le vote sur cette question a été effectuée séparément à la demande des sénateurs du PT, qui a présenté la demande au début de la journée et qui a été acceptée par le Président de la Cour suprême (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, même sous les protestations des alliés de la président par intérim Michel Temer. vers l'avant Le sénateur PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) a été le premier à plaider contre l

After approving impeachment, the Senate holds habilitation Dilma to civil service The disqualification of President Dilma Rousseff away for civil service in the Senate received 42 votes in favor and 36 against. As it was necessary absolute majority (54), the Senate moved this way the disqualification of Dilma. The application was authored by Senator Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). The vote was made after the approval of Dilma impeachment. With this, it can take up public office. three abstentions were recorded. The vote on this Question was done separately at the request of senators of the PT, which submitted the application early in the day and that was accepted by the President of the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, even under protests from allies of the interim president Michel Temer . forwards Senator PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) was the first to argue against the loss of political rights Dilma Rousseff. To support the argument, she read trechoescrit

After approving impeachment, the Senate holds habilitation Dilma to civil service The disqualification of President Dilma Rousseff away for civil service in the Senate received 42 votes in favor and 36 against. As it was necessary absolute majority (54), the Senate moved this way the disqualification of Dilma. The application was authored by Senator Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). The vote was made after the approval of Dilma impeachment. With this, it can take up public office. three abstentions were recorded. The vote on this Question was done separately at the request of senators of the PT, which submitted the application early in the day and that was accepted by the President of the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, even under protests from allies of the interim president Michel Temer . forwards Senator PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) was the first to argue against the loss of political rights Dilma Rousseff. To support the argument, she read trechoescrit

After approving impeachment, the Senate holds habilitation Dilma to civil service The disqualification of President Dilma Rousseff away for civil service in the Senate received 42 votes in favor and 36 against. As it was necessary absolute majority (54), the Senate moved this way the disqualification of Dilma. The application was authored by Senator Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). The vote was made after the approval of Dilma impeachment. With this, it can take up public office. three abstentions were recorded. The vote on this Question was done separately at the request of senators of the PT, which submitted the application early in the day and that was accepted by the President of the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, even under protests from allies of the interim president Michel Temer . forwards Senator PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) was the first to argue against the loss of political rights Dilma Rousseff. To support the argument, she read trechoescrit

After approving impeachment, the Senate holds habilitation Dilma to civil service The disqualification of President Dilma Rousseff away for civil service in the Senate received 42 votes in favor and 36 against. As it was necessary absolute majority (54), the Senate moved this way the disqualification of Dilma. The application was authored by Senator Vicentinho Alves (PT-TO). The vote was made after the approval of Dilma impeachment. With this, it can take up public office. three abstentions were recorded. The vote on this Question was done separately at the request of senators of the PT, which submitted the application early in the day and that was accepted by the President of the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski, even under protests from allies of the interim president Michel Temer . forwards Senator PMDB Katia Abreu (TO) was the first to argue against the loss of political rights Dilma Rousseff. To support the argument, she read trechoescrit